Inspirational Quotes and Words of Wisdom

From My Father:

~ “In this world of give and take, one must learn what it takes to give.”
~ “Devastatingly destructive criticism is the tool of the man who is frustrated by his own inability to create.”
~ “The ironic thing about common sense is that it's not so common”
~ “You think education is expensive, try ignorance”


~ “The difference between obstacles and stepping stones is how you use them”
~ “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams," - Eleanor Roosevelt

Some quotes and pointers that learned along the way that I used daily that help guide and direct not only my work, but me personally:
  1. Build strategic and mutually beneficial partnerships. Stand by what you believe and do the best that you can do, but develop partnerships that will help build you, but also ones that will
  2. Build trust in others. But one key thing—BE GENUINE. Treat people more than just a BUSINESS CARD.
  3. Think outside the box – don’t channel yourself, you might be doing yourself a disservice. It’s like looking at the world with blinders.
  4. Work with integrity and principle. Remember it’s as much about your intentions as it is your actions.  
  5. Be grounded in who you are and what you stand for. “A mighty oak was once a little nut that stood its ground”.  Not being grounded in principles is like a boat with no anchor. You keep getting washed back and forth with the waves.
  6. Work hard:  “SUCCESS only comes before WORK in the dictionary"...
  7. Don’t look at doors that shut your face as failures… life is a learning experience
  8. Remember that Life is what you make of it—do not underestimate the power of perceptions. Perceptions shape our reality. And in turn, we internalize that reality.
  9. Do not be turned off by peoples ignorance—rather look at it as an opportunity to have an important dialogue and educate others.
  10. Remember: “the difference between obstacles and stepping stones is how you use them”
  11. Do not stretch yourself too thin—it’s better to do a few projects and do them WELL than do many and fail at all of them. Professional reputation matters! Be realistic and do not commit to things you cannot do.
  12.  Have personal accountability in all you actions: We must all live each day with passion, conviction, direction and integrity. If we strive to make each day meaningful, not only to our selves, but also to those around us, then we each take personal responsibility for making the world a tiny bit better than it is!
  13.  Believe in yourself!! Remember the saying:  "I am only one, but I AM one. I cannot do everything, but I CAN do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do" - Edward Everett Hale, an American clergyman.